Black Mountain Honey


Black Mountain Honey

Laurence Edwards founded Black Mountain Honey in 2015 when he came across a colony in his garden. Laurence now has many hives, and helps us to look after our bees in Hawarden, North Wales, too.

Black Mountain Honey is raw, organic honey, grown and sold locally to the hives. Laurence manages all elements of the production of his honey, from looking after the bees to bottling the different honeys. Once you’ve tried it, you won’t go back!

Black Mountain Honey was founded in 2015, when a swarm of wild honeybees landed in Laurence Edwards garden near Birmingham City Centre. Laurence was in awe at the magnificence of the swarm. The sky had turned black with bees and the insane humming of tiny flapping wings filled the air. Laurence instantly set about making a home for the colony of bees that ‘found him’. Fast forward to 2020 and Black Mountain Honey is now far more than a single urban swarm.

We stock Black Mountain Honey at Hawarden Estate Farm Shop, and Laurence helps us to maintain our own bee hives at Hawarden.


Callie Jones


Billy Tannery